Penticton: 778-476-2600

Financial Statements

Maintaining a current record of your business activities every day is essential for your company's financial success. These records will allow you to simplify tax season by tracking all your income and expenses. Of course, this daily ledger can be difficult for small businesses and start-ups to keep. It is important to establish some positive habits from the start. Keeping your paperwork updated and organized is the first step. 

Kochhar & Co. Chartered Professional Accountants can help you secure your financial statements. Our devoted team of CPAs is happy to answer all your questions.

What are Financial Statements?

Financial statements cover the revenue, income and expenses that incur while managing a business. These statements are the business activities that your company has been participating in for a certain timeframe. Lenders and stakeholders utilize these statements to determine the net asset position of a business. 

These vital statements are essential for banks and shareholders to make financial decisions. We deliver the reliable and timely service you need to succeed. 

Our Penticton Chartered Professional Accountants are available to address any concerns. Our main priority is to deliver accuracy and compliance for every client. Your annual statements are an integral part of your company. 

Sharing our knowledge is one of the backbones of our client relations. Teaching you how to keep organized records for your business and personal transactions is much easier once you learn some tips. Creating accurate financial statements that are simple to produce is exceptionally valuable. Working with our skilled team can help you save stress, money and time. 

When are Financial Statements Needed? 

Financial statements are required when you are applying for a loan or selling your business. These statements may additionally be used by a company internally to outline areas where spending can be minimized and to establish new strategies for growth. Accurate financial statements are vital to helping you and your business achieve your financial goals. 

Hiring a Professional Accountant Is Essential To Your Success

Working with an accounting team that is concise and experienced can make all the difference. Kocchar & Co. has the skills to deliver your financial reports accurately in detail. We adhere to specific accounting principles to generate a precise business description and all the documentation you require. 

We follow strict professional guidelines to deliver your financial documentation unbiased and in a timely fashion. Certain clients require their statements for third parties and others need them for internal situations. Our Penticton CPAs can help you accurately prepare for any situation.